Met Mike, Angela, Steph, Shauna, Brittany Discussed First it was just our old team… Mike kind of grumped about the new regime. He loved B and G, they all did, and wanted to see it become a show. We soft pitched them some ideas and they helped us thin the herd… Then Shauna and Brittany came in. They were very nice We pitched them all the ideas They asked lots of questions but didn’t mind if we didn’t have a lot figured out Totally acknowledged that meeting thing where we BS on the spot, but in a fun way Later requested more on Coaches and said they were doing some vetting on the Girl Scout idea too. Shauna is from Colorado or somewhere similar where there is lots of skiing. She new kids who wanted to be in the Olympics Nick is developing an Olympics kid gym show, which is one of the ideas we pitched them NBC Universal Met Dan Shear, Megan MacMillan Discussed This meeting was short and sweet. - We have four pilots being made right now… Kenan, Magic Castle, Politics, Something Else - Gave us the brief pitch on each of those shows - Told us to read them and let them know what we think we can be staffed on. What do we like and what would we be good for? - Shuffled us out the door - Friendly but a fast meeting. Maybe lasted half an hour. - Note: Second time meeting Megan. She was also in the MM pitch in 2018. -We did not pitch them ANY ideas or concepts because they did not seem interested. Dan said that if they were with a ton of pods at NBC. If there’s any pod we think we’d like to meet or work with, let them know and Dan/Meg can connect us. After the meeting, Greg said… “That’s how they work at NBCU. First the studio vets you. Then you are basically qualified to work with a pod (that the studio likes). And that’s how you would sell them something.” Doozer Met Liza Katzer Discussed First… She had a dental graft on her gums recently and we talked about that and Matt’s sensitive gums. Then… Matchmaker at length She had TONS of questions about matchmaking She was very nice and fun and mentioned she was single too which was funny This was a 1.5 hour meeting. A lot of fun. Liked her a lot. She said she wanted to read the rest of the MM pitch and run it past her boss and see if it’s something we could do together. Was also very into young milenials versus old millennial I acknowledged how writers bullshit the personal connection She agreed. Said that Bill makes up stories as they walk into pitches even about people dying and stuff in order to bring that personal connection. Liza read and loved the residents and couldn’t believe it was a real show. Doug Robinson Met Matt Mosko Discussed Matchmaker He loves it. We cracked him up. He wants to run MM past Doug and see what we might be able to do with it. Learned about Matt… Graduated in 2008. Almost became a weather man. Did real estate for a minute. Played Volleyball at USC. I acknowledged that we are “supposed to have an answer” for what we have been watching but have no answer. Mosko “loved that.” Jason T. Reed Met Katie Ford Discussed They have not done comedy Need a script not a pitch Have done mostly drama Interested in multi cams Pitched Cooler Than Me She liked it a lot as an idea Definitely connected with the idea of how cool changes as you get older Personal Details Nice, friendly Sunny disposition Likes Austin She has a long distance BF in the Bay Area It is not easy She commutes every day from Marina Del Ray to ABC Studios Not easy Moving to Studio City soon though so that’s good Went to college in Sonoma. Loves wine. Definitely learned a lot about wine there.
December 2020
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